Baruch college essay
Argumentative Essay Topics About Animals
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Project Management for Critical Path Method - myassignmenthelp
Question: Examine about theProject Management for Critical Path Method. Answer: Venture Management is one of the significant methodology for overseeing various kinds of task in viable way. It assumes significant job in creating venture plans and demonstrating relationship among various exercises in viable way (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). The momentum research venture depends on an undertaking where Victoria Construction Pty Ltd has been wanted to build up a framework for natural checking and gathering information and set up an information base administration in the administrative center. This undertaking will take 88.4 weeks to finish. Start date is first June 2016 and Finish date is eighth February 2018. Consequently, it will be a major and extremely long undertaking for the association (Fleming and Koppelman, 2016). Venture administrator can utilize various strategies and procedures for assessing the all out span of the undertaking (Chevrier, 2016). Basic Path Method is outstanding amongst other approach to appraise the venture time. It helps in finding the base span and longest way of the undertaking. Along these lines, according to the MS venture figuring basic way of this undertaking is 88.4 weeks (Turner, 2016). Basic way count is as per the following: Basic Path Activities Basic Duration 2-9-10-25-26-29-43-44-47-49-50-48-45-46-60-68-69-70-71-72-75-76-77-78-79-80-82 88.4 weeks Yearly occasions make contrast to the furthest limit of the date of the task around 5 days in light of the fact that inside the occasion time basic movement happen to finish. In this way, changes in the span of basic movement drives changes in the length of entire venture (Kerzner, 2017). In the event that venture director requires to lessen the all out time by 3 weeks, at that point I will target just those errands which are remembered for the basic way since changes in these assignments will diminish the complete time. I will decrease the hour of basic errand by which all out time will lessen by 3 weeks. Generally speaking, changes in basic way may change the entire task length. In this manner, utilizing the various methods of the task the executives, venture chief can finish the entire undertaking according to the evaluated time and cost (Martinelli and Milosevic, 2016). References Chevrier, S. (2016). A Tough Day for a French Expatriate in Vietnam: The Management of a Large International Infrastructure Project.Intercultural Management: A Case-Based Approach to Achieving Complementarity and Synergy, 228. Fleming, Q. W., Koppelman, J. M. (2016, December). Earned worth task the board. Task Management Institute. Kerzner, H. (2017).Project administration measurements, KPIs, and dashboards: a manual for estimating and checking venture execution. John Wiley Sons. Martinelli, R. J., Milosevic, D. Z. (2016).Project administration tool stash: devices and methods for the rehearsing venture administrator. John Wiley Sons. Nicholas, J. M., Steyn, H. (2017).Project administration for designing, business and innovation. Taylor Francis. Turner, R. (2016).Gower handbook of undertaking the board. Routledge.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Illiegal immigrant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Illiegal settler - Essay Example In that capacity, the monetary development and appropriation of standardized savings are the essential variables which will be utilized to help this view. The Pew Research Hispanic Trends anticipated that there are around 8.4 million undocumented specialists in America (Passel et al 2011). When contrasted with the absolute American work power, they speak to just 5.2 %. Therefore, illicit foreigners structure a huge piece of the American work power. In recognizing the hugeness of illicit foreigners in America, Susan Combs (Texas controller) suggested that the unlawful migrants make up about 6.3 % of the Texas workforce. In that capacity, an exit of the undocumented specialists would diminish the gross state result of Texas by about 2.1 %. Also, a few pieces of the American economy rely totally upon the work gave by the unlawful migrants. Truth be told, the US branch of horticulture and the United States division of work express that unlawful settlers are exceptionally gainful to the American economy. The greater part of laborers utilized in the farming business in America are unlawful migrants, for the most part from Mexico. The branch of work cited their figure to be about 53% while the worker's organizations put the rate at 70. Despite the fact that advocates of migration change contend that a flood of illicit foreigners diminishes the quantity of occupations accessible for Native Americans, inquire about has demonstrated that a large portion of these workers are incompetent. Accordingly, they keep an eye on just influence a little level of Native Americans who are school dropouts and without any aptitudes. Along these lines, the contention that unlawful outsiders are assuming control over employments implied for American residents isn't accurate. Then again, if these unlawful settlers were to be removed from the United States, there would be an intense work deficiency in America. This feeling was resounded by the USDA and the branch of work. A great deal of
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Understanding the Basics of Alcoholism
Understanding the Basics of Alcoholism Addiction Alcohol Use Print Understanding the Basics of Alcoholism By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Updated on May 02, 2019 MakiEnis photo / Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery The term alcoholism refers to a disease known as alcohol dependence syndrome, the most severe stage of a group of drinking problems which begins with binge drinking and alcohol abuse. Types of Alcohol Problems Alcohol problems occur at different levels of severity, from mild and annoying to life-threatening. Although alcohol dependence (alcoholism) is the most severe stage, less severe drinking problems can also be dangerous. Learn more about the different types. Binge Drinking Officially, binge drinking means having five or more drinks in one session for men and four or more for women. Another informal definition for binge drinking is simply drinking to get drunk, although this usage is not clinically specific. Binge drinking is the most common drinking problem for young people under the age of 21. Alcohol Abuse Binge drinking turns into alcohol abuse when your drinking begins to cause problems in your daily life and the drinking continues anywayâ€"in other words, alcohol abuse is when you continue to drink in spite of continued social, interpersonal, or legal difficulties. Alcohol abuse can result in missing time at school or work, neglecting child or household responsibilities or incurring legal problems including lawsuits from unpaid bills or criminal prosecution for public intoxication, drunk driving, or domestic violence. Because alcohol impairs your judgment, youre more likely to do something stupid under the influence of alcohol than if you were stone-cold sober. Alcohol abuse means your ratio of drunk to sober starts to tip into strongly unfavorable territory. Alcohol Dependence Alcohol abuse becomes alcohol dependence when drinkers begin to experience a craving for alcohol, a loss of control of their drinking, withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking and an increased tolerance to alcohol so that they have to drink more to achieve the same effect. Alcohol dependence is a chronic and often progressive disease that includes a strong need to drink despite repeated problems. Is Alcoholism Inherited? Alcoholism tends to run in families and a significant amount of scientific research suggests that genetics play a role in developing alcohol problems. But research also shows that a persons environment and peer influences also affect your risk of becoming alcohol dependent. Just having a family history of alcoholism does not doom a person into becoming an alcoholic. Getting Help Alcoholism is a serious condition but if you or someone you love is affected by it, seek help. Your primary care doctor or a public health nurse can help steer you in the right direction, or you can visit an open meeting of a 12-step program like Alcoholics Anonymous.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Images Of Control Propaganda - 2644 Words
One of the greatest revolutions in the twentieth century was not political in nature. It however aided in many different political revolutions. This revolution was the communications revolution. The twentieth century has experienced one of the greatest changes in mean of communication including technologies such as radio, television, motion pictures, advanced telecommunications and the Internet. These technologies have been used to fulfill the purposes of many. Some who wished to use this technology to influence other people. A term commonly used to describe the use of media to convince or persuade other people of a certain idea or cause is propaganda. Political leaders often use techniques of propaganda, as the goal of politicians is to†¦show more content†¦High unattainably high all Horst Wessels stand about Jesus!†(Welch, 1983, p. 75) A film that was produced in Germany, in 1933, by the Nazis also glorifies this hero. The film is called Hans Westmar: Einer Von Viele n (Hans Westmar: One of Many). The film was renamed because Goebbels believed the film was not worthy of a hero such as Horst Wessel (Welch, 1983, p. 77). The film does however succeed in glorifying the Nazi party and particularly the SA and their struggle against the Communists in Germany at the time. In having the character Hans Westmar murdered by Communists; the film creates sympathy for the SA who are viewed as heroes. It also creates a negative view of the Jews and Communists, especially Communist Jews, as the hero Westmar is of course murdered by Communists. The film also attempts to initiate a movement to carry on the work of Hans Westmar (the SA) in order to rid Germany of the Communist Jew (Welch, 1983, p. 80). This film uses a well-honored hero of the National Socialist movement to promote other causes of the party; namely anti-Semitism and anti-Communism. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The Soviet Union also had its heroes to promote. One of the most important heroes in the USSR was the worker, who was always a key element in Bolshevik ideology. In creating an icon out of the worker the Bolshevik leadersShow MoreRelatedUse Of Propaganda During World War II1719 Words  | 7 PagesPaul Klene Professor Brain Stokes History 122 6 December 2015 The Use and Impact of Propaganda during World War II The second most devastating global conflict, also known as World War II, left over 60 million dead creating panic and fear for citizens all over the world. During these hard times the citizens, dealing with a national crisis, needed something to give them hope that there will be betters days. 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As a result, I chose my research question to be: â€Å"How and why does the Party use propaganda? How does this compare to some of the modern propagandas used across the world during not only World War II but during current times as well?†. The novel Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian fiction novel written by George OrwellRead MoreNazi Propagand How The Nazi Party Used Propaganda Images And Rhetorical Strategies During The Second Reich1733 Words  | 7 PagesThis analysis of Nazi propaganda will examine how the Nazi Party used propaganda images and rhetorical strategies during the â€Å"Third Reich†. I will examine the propaganda cartoons titled, â€Å"The Rhine and the Ruhr†, â€Å"The Vampire in the Ruhr Area†and â€Å"Jewish Conspiracy Against Europe†. I will use two quotations from Burkes essays, the first being, â€Å"[†¦] whereby the â€Å"Aryan†is elevated above all others by the innate endowment of his blood, while other â€Å"races†in particular Jews and Negroes, are innatelyRead MoreEssay On Big Brother Control In 1984814 Words  | 4 PagesWinston has a love affair with a girl named Julia.Their leader Big Brother controls all and knows all. They later get caught by the thought police and put through extreme conditions to reduce them to their core. 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The weapons these artists used were children, illustrating them in a way that would provoke the population to consent to the war. The Cold War was fought using propaganda involving children with messages including protection, prosperity, and stereotypes. The first type of propaganda used in the Cold War by both the United States and the Soviet Union was depicting children as happy because their bliss represents a nation that is prosperous. Both nations believed that ifRead MoreMaking Meanings Essay1692 Words  | 7 Pagesexistence. Propaganda presents facts selectively to encourage a particular response that can revolve around economical, political or cultural issues. The Aim of propaganda is to influence people’s opinions or behaviours actively, rather than merely communicate facts. This deliberately evokes an emotional response to a wide spread audience. The Nazis believed in propaganda as a vital tool to achieve their goals. 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One of Hitler’s main beliefs was that the children of Germany were the future of the country. Therefore, he created several propaganda movements to influence the children, so Hitler could gain their trust. Nazi propaganda was extremely effective in manipulating the feelings and opinions of German citizens. The Nazi movement attracted the youth in an extremely enticing way which attracted
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Selection Process - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 409 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/09/18 Category Management Essay Type Argumentative essay Tags: Organization Essay Did you like this example? K. S. R SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SELECTION PROCESS PRESENTED BY, K. DEEPANRAJ. Selection Process: Employee Selection is the process of putting right men on right job. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. Selection is the process of choosing from among the candidates from within the organization. The Employee selection Process takes place in following order: * Preliminary Interviews. * Application blanks * Selection process Tests * Employment Interviews * Medical examination * Appointment Letter Selection Test Preliminary Interviews: It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during preliminary interview. Application blanks: The candidates who clear the preliminary interview are required to fill application blank. It contains data record o f the candidates such as details about age, qualifications, reason for leaving previous job, experience, etc. Types of Tests : Intelligence test-mental ability, * Alert and quick Learning, Memory * Vocabulary * verbal fluency * Numerical ability * perception Selection Process Tests: Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are aptitude test, intelligence test, reasoning test, personality test, etc. These tests are used to objectively assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased. Employment Interviews: It is a one to one interaction between the interviewer and the potential candidate It is used to find whether the candidate is best suited for the required job or not. But such interviews consume time and money both. Moreover the competencies of the candidate cannot be judged Medical Examination: Medical tests are conducted to ensure physical fitness of the potential employee. Physical qualities like vision, acute hearing, stamina, tolerance voice, health etc. , Selection Decision: In selection decision will probably be between three or four candidates. The personnel specialist together with line management will now have weigh up the strength weakness of each candidate In the end making the right ecision depends on management judgment. Appointment Letter: A reference check is made about the candidate selected and then finally he is appointed by giving a formal appointment letter. Reference from individual’s who are familiar with the candidate’s academic achievements Conclusion: Recruitment and selection is a vital function of HR in the organization. The role of Hr manager is very crucial in selecting and recruiting the right kind of people who can be an asset for the company. Instead of following a blind elimination process, focus should be on selecting. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Selection Process" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Current Situation Of Ship Recycling Industry Economics Essay Free Essays
string(165) " ships to developing states for destruction or at least paces that do non hold these types of exigencies could be violate European jurisprudence and understandings\." Introduction The transportation industry is an of import factor in the economic sciences of the states ; more than 80 % of transportation goods are by sea. Nowadays, there are different types and size of vass to cover the demand of markets, from little 1s that marketed in rivers and inland, until superstructure that can incorporate over than one hundred thousand dozenss of stuffs. However, all of these ships have lifespan and they must complete their lives in safety conditions to the people and friendly manner with the environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Current Situation Of Ship Recycling Industry Economics Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now To accomplish the above, ship recycling industry has developed patterns to have vass from everyplace recycling stuffs that could be utile in others Fieldss and obtaining of import net incomes. In fact, ship breakage concern has been dining in recent period and concern is set to increase ; nevertheless, in most instances, ships are sold to developing states because they have cheaper labour but, on the other manus, they have lowest degrees of quality. The local environment and the safety of ship paces workers in these topographic points are in argument today because the industry has had significant losingss too bad. For illustration, in Bangladesh during the last 10 old ages, 100s of work forces in the 70 breakage paces have died or been maimed or poisoned, about all people affected from the hapless communities in the state. ( Vidal 2012 ) The ship recycling industry involves a figure of stakeholders with different concerns, the job have been discus from some old ages but today seems to be more present in forums of international maritime community and duly in International Maritime Organization ( OMI ) . Furthermore, in 2009 IMO adopted the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environment Sound Recycling of Ships, the convention lays the footing for ships to be dismantled in conditions of safety for workers and the environment. This research will first explicate what a Ship recycling is, and so look at the place of stakeholders. Second, the essay will give aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ . Finally, the Hon Kong Convention will be considered Background ( where – by whom – state of affairs in developing states ) Justification ( importance ) Organization Thesis statement Current state of affairs of ship recycling industry After 2008 fiscal crisis the market collapsed and evidently affected the transportation industry. Banks do non desire to finance transportation, hence, the industry has forced to believe in new scheme such as sale some vass to transport recycling industry because it is non utilizing and ship proprietor were passing many resources in care. Ship interrupting activities have taken topographic point chiefly in developing states because offer less limitation to the activity, every bit good as lower costs. The major states that receive vass to recycle are India, Bangladesh, China, Turkey and Pakistan. However, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan were chosen as illustrations to be analyzed in this research paper because China and Turkey have improved installations in this field. In India, the reaching of the Blue Lady ( ex-Norway ) causes a serious treatment because it has onboard a considerable sum of asbestos and other risky stuffs. The Supreme Court has decided demand major issues and ordinances for administration of the ship recycling industry. In this state, the ship recycling activities are chiefly carried out at Alang which is situated on the West seashore and there are 175 active paces. The chief advantage of this topographic point is the tide which vary month to month to utilize the beach. Merely in Alang, the industry recycles about 600 vass per twelvemonth and there are more than 20 licencing organic structures that regulate the industry. At least 100 paces are certified with ISO 14001/9001 and OHSAS 18001 and at least 50 paces have ISO 30000. Furthermore, Indian governments refuse to let ships to be scrapped on its shores unless they have been certified as gas free, in other words, the vas must be checked for any potentially explosive pockets of gas. This step was positive because helped to drop Numberss of detonation accident but unluckily, they besides lost a batch of concern. The Bangladesh ship recycling industry has an environmental judicial proceeding by Bangladesh Environmental Law Association ( BELA ) , giving a power signal that the environmental jobs are of import issue for the state. The supreme tribunal of Bangladesh banned the working of the recycling industry for 10 months in 2011 and directed the Shipping Ministry and Ministry of Environment to border â€Å" Ship Recycling guidelines †within six months. In this state the activity is a important economic activity and provides employment for over 500,000 people, every bit good as contributes of 1000000s of dollars in footings of direct and indirect revenue enhancements. Today, the vass that arrive there besides require being gas free certification for hot plants. In the seashore of Bangladesh there are about 55 ship recycling paces and any ship approaching inwards for recycling is required to obtain a â€Å" No Objection Certificate †. The ordinances here are non plenty rigorous as India ; nevertheless, of the 55 breakage paces, at least 25 have ISO 14001/9001 and OHSAS 18001, including ISO 30000. There is an of import measure sing the degrees of Bangladesh some old ages ago. The instance of Pakistan is unluckily worst, the paces there have really low criterions sing to human conditions and industrial rights. There are about 25 ships recycling paces but the inwards formalities are small and vass are beached without any greater demands. In other words, any proprietor with money may happen disponibility in Pakistan beaches. In add-on, none of the paces have ISO-certified, likely because there are a assortment of factors like possible terrorist act, unstable authorities among others, that non allowed better industry competencies and still worst, it could be continue utilizing old patterns and methods. European Union has proposed Torahs saying that ships registered in Europe should be broken up merely in accredited paces run intoing rigorous new environmental guidelines ( Vidal, 2012 ) , so selling ships to developing states for destruction or at least paces that do non hold these types of exigencies could be violate European jurisprudence and understandings. You read "Current Situation Of Ship Recycling Industry Economics Essay" in category "Essay examples" Workers conditions and environment Some Environment ( Places used ) Probably the worst portion in environment sense is the topographic point that normally uses this activity in mentioned states that they have non basic criterions for working like the instance of beaches and coast side. Interrupting ship on beaches creates an unacceptable environmental jeopardy. Worker status ( risky- personal equipment ) In fact, McCarthy explain that after 10 months out of the market, Bangladesh tribunal announced that the state will open once more for concern if it better some points and achieve criterions for yard workers. workers put on the lining their lives for little more than one euro a twenty-four hours. Ships are scrapped in petroleum working conditions statistis shows that on norm, one worker dies in the paces a hebdomad and every twenty-four hours a worker is injured. Workers are easy replaceable to the paces proprietors: if one is lost they know another 10 are waiting to replace him. Many workers do non hold entree to basic personal protective equipment such as difficult chapeaus, baseball mitts and Googles for steel film editing activities. Many have been killed and 1000s injured working in unsafe conditions. it is necessary range the end of nice working status for all. Injury and toxic condition ( Dangerous stuffs such as asbestos, lead pigment, heavy metals, PCB ‘s ) Guaranting armored combat vehicles and holds are free of toxic gases before cutting hull home bases High cost of take these stuffs. Suppliers from developing states are still bring forthing equipment and building parts with asbestos Harmonizing to Lloyd ‘s list ( .. ) although asbestos usage technically holding been banned since 2009, merely five of the six types of asbestos are covered by jurisprudence. There is a hazard of paying out big amounts of money in the signifier of compensation to crew members and mend yard workers unaware they are being exposed to risky stuffs. Old ship contain more toxic stuffs the removal stuff is soiled and unsafe work, it should go on under rigorous safety criterions 1.3m metric tons of toxic stuffs on board terminal of life vass are sent each twelvemonth to Chittagong and other shipbreaking paces in South Asia from EU entirely, with incalculable hazards to workers â€Å" Explosions of remnant gas and exhausts in the armored combat vehicles are the premier cause of accidents in the paces. Other accidents are caused by falls because the work forces are non given safety harnesses or workers being crushed by falling beams or home bases, or electrocuted †. â€Å" The paces re-use ropes and ironss recovered from the broken ships without proving their strength. Fires, gas detonations, falling steel home bases, exposure to toxicants from sand trap oil, lubricators, pigments and lading swills have left 1000s with repiratory diseases †says Shahin. Hull cut When the hull of a ship is cut unfastened, pollutants such as heavy metals and oils are released. These toxic substances seep into the sand and contaminate land H2O that it is impossible to clean up. Coordinated international attempts ( stakeholders ) Hong Kong Convention In 2009, the IMO adopted the Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environment Sound Recycling of Ships was adopted in May of 2009 ; nevertheless, merely five states have signed. There are who say that in 2020 could be into force, nevertheless it is hard to back up because there are many states, members of the International Maritime Organization, that have they ain ordinances and they are non realy interested in this subject because it is non affect them. In adition, merely one state of the denominated shipbreaking states, has ratificated the convention. Harmonizing to McCarthy ( aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ . ) in the Tradewinds Ship Recycling Forum, 150 shipbreakers harmonizing base on balls from 60 % of European Union flagged ships that were sold to India, Bangladesh and Pakistan ; to 0 % . Attempts to increase consciousness in marine equipment to workers, every bit good as rise quality enfranchisement of the absence of risky stuffs such as asbestos Many organisations have expressed concerns about ship recycling paces will be required to supply a â€Å" ship recycling Plan †to stipulate the mode in which each ship will be recycled. International Maritime Organization ( IMO ) . ( green passport and gas free enfranchisement ) IMO has introduced a Green Passport ; which involves maintaining and stock list of risky stuffs throughout a ship ‘s life. Then, ship surfs will cognize what they are covering with when they come to undertake the vas. This guidelines is voluntary and applies merely to new ships. They promote safer and more environmentally friendly direction of ship recycling industry. IMO Guidelines on ship recycling â€Å" Gas free for hot plants †enfranchisement which urges recycling provinces to present compulsory processs. Ship surfs association The ship surfs association is concerned about the effects of Hong Kong convention on their net incomes and sustainability. They receive force per unit area from public sentiment and environmental groups because there is a high degree of accidents and musk hogs conditions in ship recycling paces. For this ground, they are disquieted about the resources and they are seeking to drop the accidents. Ship proprietors The ship proprietors considers appropriated count with incentive plan in order to implement green recycling and are concerned about steps on the economic facets for the transportation industry. They are besides wants to be co-ops with the safe and the environment but aˆÂ ¦ International Labor Organization ( ILO ) The workers conditions are unstable, the occupational wellness and safety of workers in ship paces should be improved including the proviso of safety equipment and handiness of medical attention for workers. They give guidelines advise on the usage of protective equipment when covering with risky stuffs, nevertheless, every bit good as IMO guidelines are volunteers. For ILO, the Hong Kong convention is an of import understanding to do ship interrupting nice work. Non-government organisations ( NGO ‘s ) The Non-government organisations are likely the most utmost in requires that the beaching method to be banned and all ships sold for trashing should be cleaned of toxic stuffs before arrive to shipyards. Further, this demand complements the Convention on the control of transboundary motions of risky wastes and their disposal. There are lay waste toing effects of ship recycling on the environment and on the rights of workers. They consider that Hong Kong convention is in the right way, but non strong plenty to be really effectual. They want see rapid and drastic steps and consequents alterations. Table ( illustrate and explain impact of Hong Kong Convention ) Analysiss – Measures is possible that the International Maritime community do non hold an truly involvement in this subject because it is non a planetary job and merely impact a few developing states. Furthermore, India, Bangladesh and Chinas are independent states and they have their ain ordinances This could be a power ground why the Hong Kong convention is non ratified for many states and worst, it will be non at least in the close hereafter. It will be enter into force 24 months after the day of the month on which 15 provinces, stand foring 40 per cent of universe merchandiser transportation by gross tunnage there is besides a mix of responsabilities because this activities are done in land and involve most job about workers ( ILO ) , wellness ( ) and environment ( ) than safety of life at sea and oceanclaning. but non ever is bad, in adition in 2003, representatives of authorities, employers and workers organisations from heavyweight ship interrupting states Bangladesh, China, India, Pakista and Turkey adopted ILO Guidelines on Safety and Health in ship breakage. Why a state in peculiar could be sign a convention if it do non hold relation or job in this sense. It must appeal to the societal duty. Human rights Net incomes and sustainability of the industry Useful stuff is sold for recycling Employment Improve criterions ( recommendations ) Demand to see immediate alterations in ship recycling activities toward better worker safety. There are many steps that could be considered ; nevertheless, it is non plenty give recommendations or compose in any jurisprudence and ordinances. The truly of import is heve the capacity to enforcement. Some of the most basic steps are personal protective equipment due many workers do non hold entree to basic safety equipment such as difficult chapeaus, baseball mitts and goggles for steel film editing activities. There are 1000s of workers injured yearly and some of them have been killed for this ground. Another basic step is risky stuffs should be removed before trashing. In other words, take toxic stuffs from new and chiefly old ships that contain asbestos and others substances such as lead pigment, heavy metals and PBC ‘s. The following 1 is complete the execution of the gas free certification, it is necessary because look intoing vass and their close infinite can lend to avoid explosive gas and attendant bead in the Numberss of detonation accidents. Finally, the last poi nt necessary to follow in short term is improve handiness of medical attention for workers because the existent attempts to shipbreakers association unluckily are non sufficient to the sum of workers that daily suffer accidents and lesions. Ship recycling industry instantly stops ship interrupting on beaches. Ship proprietors for recycling their ships merely at green installations that do non interrupt ship on unfastened beaches. there specific step from the states involve to better criterions Medical attention Decision Develop the activity in friendly manner and better criterions to the workers and the environment. Seem betterments are easy coming about Necessitate a via media of all stakeholders While some provinces have ratified the Hong Kong convention and are working in order to hold green recycling installations, others are unsated or do non interested with the footings of convention. Pressure on the transportation community to dispose of its terminal of life ships in a safe and environmentally friendly manner taking into history the peculiar state of affairs of Find countries of common involvement and understanding The regulations and ordinances could be much easier to implement. contribute to the development of an effectual solution to the issue of ship recycling, which will minimise, in the most effectual, efficient and sustainable manner, the environmental, occupational wellness and safety hazards related to the industry. How to cite Current Situation Of Ship Recycling Industry Economics Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Media Management Marketing Planning
Question: Discuss about the Media Management for Marketing Planning. Answer: Introduction In this assignment, I am going to elaborate the strategies which are required for the marketing planning for the company. I have chosen Callaway Golf Equipment as the client company, whose products need to be a market. I will provide the insight of integrated marketing Plan and how its useful for the advertisements of a product. Callaway Golf Inc. is a Golf equipment manufacturer multination company and it stands in 2nd number in all over the world in manufacturing and marketing of different Golf equipment. The company is exploring new markets to sell the products and its using the advertisement to reach new markets. Marketing Planning is providing a blueprint of the strategies which are required for the advertisements of the products. In other words, this process begins with an analysis of the situation from the marketing plan and it does not include other aspects of production and evaluation. ( Percy, 1997) IMC: The Integrated marketing Plan has these processes and this must be reflected in the advertising campaigns of the company. The Integrated Marketing plan or IMC includes different marketing strategies such as, Print Interactive Outdoor Strategic Planning Media Planning Brand Partnerships Result Tracking IMC is a strategy which is defined and used to create awareness among consumers through different kind of marketing tools. In IMC the advertiser company, which is Callaway Golf in this case of the assignment, has used Television, radio, and Social media marketing for the advertisement of the Products. This kind of strategic marketing is becoming more and more important because the media fragmentation in the advertisement is considered as a good measure to promote the products. Another benefit of the integrated marketing is its creative approach and implementation. The creative approach in the marketing is successfully implemented for the Callaway Golf to sell their Golf equipment and accessories. Media Planning Media planning is not just answering some media means but its the process or a series of decisions that could provide the best solution for the problems which are needed to be answered for the marketing of a product. The planners recommendation is to balance the tradeoff within an organization. Planner mainly considers different problems which could be arising and a set of solution and recommendation for the company to follow. These solutions and recommendations about the media selection and advertisement of the products I considered as Media planning. Changing Way of Media Planning: Many marketers believe that the traditional advertisement means such as television, radio and newspapers are an outdated sources of advertisement. Its a wrong concept, as the internet is considered as one of the best sources of advertisement and its accessible to a large population but its still not is a position to considered as a major source of advertisements. Apart from this, the Internet marketing is considered as costly as well, top rated television programs have an impact on the population of different companies. In todays perspective, the consumers are being more information seekers and they also search different products over the internet so the marketing planning should also consider this case as well. Planning an IMC campaigns is a step by step process, according to the Heibing and Cooper the IMC planning is a communication tool which should be done by a set methodology to short out the overlapping elements and correctly and collectively address all the issues. The first things which need to be addressed are the outlining the relevant marketing issues which could affect the marketing and communication about the product. Following different steps regarding the campaign, the last and final step is the evaluation of the campaign. (Duncan, 2002). I will follow two different planning processes which are Outside- In Planning Zero-based Planning approach The Planning will constitute Marketing background, Target audience, Communication strategy, Behavioral task grid and creative grid. Market Analysis Callaway Golf is creating a marketing strategy which is needed by the company to create brand awareness to the consumers. The company is mainly dealing with manufacturing of Drivers, iron, Golf ball, Golf equipment, and bags. The company has a Callaways financial result do not reflect any single direction, basically, its mixed. After the year of 2000, its revenue has been decreased by the 5.4%, whereas the in the case of total asset turnover, its also declined by 12 % (Financial Statement, 2001). In the year of 2002, its NIAT has increased by 19%, which had a negative growth of 27.9% in the year of 2002. According to the report, the Z-score of the company is still 5.4 and its in Safe Zone (Financial report, 2002). Callaway Golf mainly operates in the Sporting and Athletics segments and Manufacturing industry. Callaways is mainly involved in the manufacturing of the Drivers, irons, golf balls and in the accessories. The products which are included in the driver categories are fairway woods and hybrid sold under the Bden hogen and Top- Flite brand name. The company stood in the # 2 position in this segments and the number 1 is the TaylorMade, which is an Adidas Company. The other products in these categories are Iron and Wedges, in this segment the Callaway is the number one. The market share of the company in this segment is still in a good number beside that the share of the rival companies such as Nike and Adidas in increasing. In the case of Golf ball which is being sold by the Callaway brand name, Top-Flite. In this segment, the company is in #2 positions in the market. Also in the case of the accessories and the company is selling Golf bags and Gloves under the same brand name. The brand r eputations of the company help them to sell. The company market strategy is to create and make brand awareness among the public about the products in which they are engaged with. The main Market of the Callaway products is the regions where Golf is most famous and widely played by the masses. The focus should be on those countries, some of them are United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland and England. The main market of the company exists in these countries. The developing Countries such as China, India and Brazil is also a lucrative location to sell the products (MONROE, 2014). Now the company is targeting in the market where they can grow further, such as USA, CHINA, and EUROPE. In Australia, the companys presence is somewhat good but they can grow further in Europe and Asia. The marketing strategies will be focused on these areas. The other developing countries are being focused on the future market of the company. Objectives of IMC: Marketing Background: The marketing background includes the evaluating the present hurdles and challenges with the company and brand. This will examine and help the organization in finalizing the marketing process and plan. It would contain some questions which will help the planner to create the effective plan for the product they have chosen to market (Percy, 1997). Target Audience Objective: The IMC planning tries to look beyond the traditional Golf equipment purchases and it's also focusing on new age customers. This is done to achieve a more holistic view regarding the target audience. According to Percy (1997) to get a more holistic view regarding the target audience we need to look beyond the target audience and the IMC planning should also include the behavior patterns as well as the attitude patterns of the audience. We should also try to know the audience linkage to the contribution as well as the media. One more important thing which needs to be known is the decision grid of the consumer, why they are choosing and why they have chosen the product. Which things have motivated them to make the decision of the product? Percy also suggested a Grid which is known as decision grid contains different essential questions which could be used for the understanding the factor of decision. Role consumer Trade initiator Influencer Decider Purchaser User These are essential steps which are required prior planning the planning of the marketing media. These reviews and studies are required to know the present and future target customers; this will help the company to make the strategy easily and more effective. There are different Processes which will be used to determine and implement the planning. Communication Strategies Objective This objective mainly deals with the communication strategies which will be needed for the marketing communication. This is further divided into 5 groups, which are category needs Brand awareness Brand attitude Brand purchase Intensions Purchase facilitation Planning Process Zero-based Planning Process: As the marketing conditions are changing, so the IMC Planners should use Zero-based planning Process. (Duncan, 2002). This process is used to determine the objectives and strategies based on the current marketplace conditions. This process consists of 8 steps which are applicable to each of the consumers and B-B brand whether they are operating Multinational or domestically. The Steps are; Source: Duncan, 2002 Swot analysis of a company and brand provides the Strength, weakness, Opportunity and threat of a company. The SWOT analysis can help a company to address the weakness and leverage the strength of the company. Internal Situation: In the case of Callaway Company, the strength of the company is the brand name and Research and development. These two can be leveraged by the company so that they can explore and penetrate a new market and increase the revenue. These can be addressed so we can make a proper contribution to the marketing planning. The weakness of the company consists of the low Multinational presence and sort of products which they can offer. The weakness must be address while making the plan of media. External Situation: The opportunity ad threats are considered as the external factors, in the case of Callaway Golf the opportunity is the Growing Golf market in the Developing countries such as China, India, and Brazil as well as increasing market in USA and Europe as well as In Australia. The threat includes the increased competitions from Global brands such as Nike and Adidas. Strategies Callaway Golf needs to use different means of advertisement under the integrated marketing Campaign. Television, radio as well as the Social media marketing should be widely used by the company so that they can attract more customers. The must use the benefits of endorsements by the professional golfers; this is defined as a target based marketing strategy. Apart from this Callaway Golf need to be widely popular in different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. In present time when most of the peoples are engaged with the different social media websites, creating awareness about the product by the Social media is a well-maintained strategy. Callaway has to use IMC in different measures to reach to the customers; Callaway is also focusing on hosting and sponsoring different Golf competitions in different companies so that they can present themselves as a one stop solution for the golf equipment. In present Callaway Golf is #2 in sales of Drivers and #1 in sales of Iron. The main competitor of the company is Taylor Made, Titlists, and Nike. These companies are also increasing their market segment and the innovation which lead them to take on the market and the challenge the Callaway. Revenues of the companies are mainly driven by the market share and the Global economy, declining Golf industry also adversely affect them in the short run (Gordon, 2013). Competitive Analysis Callaway Golf mainly operates in the Sporting and Athletics segments and Manufacturing industry. Callaways is mostly concerned in the manufacturing of the Drivers, irons, golf balls and in the accessories. The products which are incorporated in the driver categories are fairway woods and hybrid sold under the Bden hogen and Top- Flite brand name. The company stood in the # 2 position in this segments and the number 1 is the TaylorMade, which is an Adidas Company product. The other products in these categories are Iron and Wedges, in this segment the Callaway is the number one. The market share of the company in this segment is still in a good number beside that the share of the rival companies such as Nike and Adidas in increasing. In the case of Golf ball which is being sold by the Callaway brand name, Top-Flite. In this segment, the company is in #2 positions in the market. Also in the case of the accessories and the company is selling Golf bags and Gloves under the same brand name . The brand reputations of the company help them to sell. Proposed Marketing Strategies Marketing Strategies is one of the essential things in every company. The company must perform therefore to aim the consumers and raise the revenue. The companies have to set up strategies to cover border market, 1. Target oriented marketing 2. Marketing should be more focused on the populations which could be the future customer 3. Reflect the Superior Quality and pocket-friendly 4. Brand Endorsements by the Professionals. 5. Association of the Clubs and the Events which are related with the Golf. 6. Online Presence The company should spend and sponsor on humanitarian activities with the Brand name this will create a good image and people's will be attached to it emotionally. Another increasing aspect of the marketing is the online marketing or Digital marketing. Digital marketing is widely used by the company so that they can target large audiences and create traffic over the website. E-commerce is on the boom so that they can make it more fruitful by taking the traffic towards the website. Media for the Advertisement The market uses various alternative media to advertise their brand which helps to reach their brand to each and every customer. So the company Callaway also uses different alternative media to advertise their brand like: 1. Television: It helps to reach to a large number with a single exposure. As it is mass communication and it was seen by each and every customer. It is a network that helps to improve their targeting effort (Voorveld and van Noort, 2014). 2. Radio: This media is being used for over 80 years. As many countries use the geographical distinct radio station to broadcast simultaneously. As nowadays many people have a habit of listening music and news to the radio so it also helps to advertise the brand Top flight and their equipment which they sell like bags, golf driver, shoes, etc. (Lovejoy, Riffe and Cheng, 2012). 3. Printing Publication: The Company prints various magazines, books, newspaper to advertise and highlight their brand (Voorveld and van Noort, 2014). The magazine is more target audience than the media, as the magazine shows the product with every detail. 4. Internet: As the technology is moving very fast and everyone use the internet so it is the fastest media outlet for advertising any brand or product. So the company advertises their product on their website. And this media help to get the feedback of the customer directly through the website. And it helps the company improve their product. 5. Direct mail Advertising: It is also a type of medium to advertise the brand. Directly mailing to the customer about the brand in their email. So the company collects the email id from various social media like Facebook, twitter, etc (Lovejoy, Riffe and Cheng, 2012). 6. Product placement advertising: It is an advertising approach through the entrainment like movies, TV serials, and video games. 7. Sponsorship advertising: The Company also provides some sponsorship for advertising their brand Top flight. Implementation Process The company has to expand the current Market and they are also wanted to increase the revenue in this competitive market. This can be achieved by the applying a proper set of proposed marketing strategies which the Company has to follow. The Callaway Golf should make a creative and lucrative website which will be beneficial for them to reach new customers. The second thing which they should do is make a team which will be responsible for the marketing of the products and their advancements to the public. This will be helpful as this can create awareness among the consumers. This team will be responsible for the Digital marketing too; marketing through the Facebook and Twitter will help the company. The Social media marketing is one of the best options to create traffic on the website and attract customers. According to the Scott Gorayl, the global communication head of the Callaway Company, Social media is one of the biggest and easiest ways to market our products thats why the company has a good presence on different social media websites. (App, 2013) Evaluation and Control The company has to manage different things at once; this includes Manufacturing, marketing, advertisement, and Innovation. The Callaway Golf has a number of employees who are involved in different works and management. The management and administrative teams are responsible for the implementation of each process. The management Team must divide the work according to the team present and how they must help them in achieving the target. Availing all the resources which are needed to the process must be provided by the company management. The matrix which they have to follow is, Conclusion I have described the IMC and its objectives for the marketing and communication in an organization for a product. Media planning is an essential thing before going for marketing; this helps a company to find him most accurate and visible objectives of the products. I have described the Media Planning and its requirements. The marketing strategies and the evaluation and control of the Marketing campaign are also essential things to do. This helps the company to track the progress of the communication tool, either the company is choosing online marketing or the traditional strategies, evaluation and control help the company to set up an objective and be attached to it. Although, the Media Planning is an essential thing which needs to be address perfectly as per the companies target market and product portfolio. 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